
Thursday, 9 February 2012

Root G-Slate

This process works under Linux. The hard part under Windows would be mounting a file as an ext4 filesystem, but if you can do that you win.

Files you may need:
You may need to install the package libstdc++6 or lib32stdc++6 to get nvflash to run.
You may need to use "sudo" on the nvflash commands.
If you want to try to make this work on Windows, the nvflash.exe binary and the APX USB drivers are are available from

To root:
 1 Put those four files in a directory and open a terminal to there.
 2 Shut down your G-Slate and plug it into your computer via USB.
 3 Hold down both volume buttons and press the power button. The G-Slate will not appear to turn on, but it'll go into APX mode.
 4 Running "lsusb" should show an entry "0955:7820 NVidia Corp."
 5 Run the command "sudo su" to get a root shell. Running "ls" should still show the four files.
 6 ./nvflash --bl bootloader.bin --getpartitiontable ptable.txt
 7 ./nvflash -r --read 8 system-orig.img
 8 Wait while 400 meg of data copies.
 9 cp system-orig.img system.img
10 mkdir system
11 mount -o loop system.img system
12 cp su system/bin
13 chmod 4755 system/bin/su
14 cp Superuser.apk system/app
15 umount system
16 ./nvflash -r --download 8 system.img
17 Wait while it copies back.
18 ./nvflash -r --sync
19 Press the reset button under the sim cover to reboot.

Congrats your G-Slate is rooted...
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